Transcosmos Commerce X Vokasi Universitas Activity [March 2023]

Olivia Rhye
11 Jan 2022
5 min read

TCCM's CEO Naoto Osada and Project Manager Acintya joined the Public Lecture in Universitas Indonesia

On 6 March 2023, together with students of Creative Business, the event was held in Auditorium Vokasi Universitas Indonesia.

TCCM's CEO Naoto Osada shared the career navigation in eCommerce x Global x Startup and TCCM’s Project Manager Acintya shared the career navigation especially in its Sales division. The event aimed to give broader perspectives of working in eCommerce and Enabler business, together with emphasizing good values in the work environment.

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#TranscosmosCommerce #EnablerIndonesia #Enabler #TCCM #UniversitasIndonesia #VokasiUI
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Olivia Rhye
11 Jan 2022
5 min read